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Get All Items

Get All Items gets all items in this inventory.

Get All Items

Returns an array of all items in this inventory.

Get All Items by Class

Get All Items by Class gets all items filtered by class in this inventory.

  • Class : Class of the items to filter by.

Get All Items by Class

Returns all items in this inventory of the specified class.

Get All Items by Gameplay Tag

Get All Items by Gameplay Tag gets all items filtered by gameplay tag in this inventory.

  • Gameplay Tag : Gameplay tag of the items to filter by.

Get All Items by Gameplay Tag

Returns all items filtered by gameplay tag in this inventory.

Get All Items by Name

Get All Items by Name gets all items filtered by name in this inventory.

  • Name: Name of the items to filter by.
  • Case Sensetive : If true, the text comparison of names will be case-sensitive.

Get All Items by Name

Returns all items filtered by name in this inventory.

Get All Items by Tags

Get All Items by Tags gets all items filtered by tags in this inventory.

  • Tags: Tags of the items to filter by.
  • Match All : If true will return only items that match all of the specified tags.

Get All Items by Tags

Returns all items filtered by tags in this inventory.