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The VELESA Anim Instance using VELESA Locomotion Component.

Create Anim Instance

Anim Instance Settings Config

Anim Instance Settings


  • Idle Threshold : Defines the maximum threshold for the actor's speed that will still be handled as being idle.

Skeletal Mesh

  • Root Bone Default : Default rotation of the skeletal mesh's root bone.
  • Root Name : Name of the skeletal mesh's root bone.


  • Rotation Speed : Speed of interpolation of the rotation. Set to 0 to disable interpolation.
  • Aim Speed : Speed of interpolation of the aim offset. Set to 0 to disable interpolation.
  • Start Rotating at Angle : The character will start to turn-in-place if the horizontal aim offset goes beyond this angle.
  • Aim Clamp : Limits horizontal aim offset.

Anim Instance Runtime Variables

Anim Instance Variables


  • Forward Speed : Forward speed of the pawn (X-axis).
  • Strafe Speed : Strafe speed of the pawn (Y-axis).
  • Fall Speed : Falling speed of the pawn (Z-axis).
  • Movement Speed : Movement speed of the pawn.
  • Movement Speed XY : Movement speed of the pawn limited to the XY-plane.


  • Idle XY : True, if pawn has no planar movement according to IdleThreshold. Falling (Z-axis) is ignored.
  • Idle : True, if pawn has no movement in any direction according to IdleThreshold.
  • Crouching : True, if pawn is crouching.
  • Swimming : True, if pawn is swimming.
  • In Air : True, if pawn is either flying or falling.
  • Falling : True, if pawn is falling.
  • Flying : True, if pawn is flying.
  • Moving on Ground : True, if pawn is moving on ground.
  • Normalized Movement Direction : Normalized movement direction of the pawn.


  • Aim Offset Pitch : Current pitch of the aim offset.
  • Aim Offset Yaw : Current yaw of the aim offset.
  • Relative Root Rotation : World-space rotation between the skeletal mesh and pawn root component.
  • Direction Angle : The direction angle that describes the movement direction relative to the skeletal mesh's root bone rotation.
  • Lean : Amount of leaning into either direction.