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Blueprint Function Library

Get Projectile Launcher Component

Get Projectile Launcher Component gets the VELESA Projectile Launcher component from an actor.

  • Actor : The actor from which to get the component.

Get Projectile Launcher Component

Returns Projectile Launcher Component or null if not found.

Cursor Aim

Cursor Aim performs a trace collision query under the mouse cursor to detect where the player is aiming at. In case of a detected hit, also calculates the rotation needed to look at the impact point from the given origin.

  • Aim Origin : The location to aim from.
  • Player Controller : Player controller that controls the cursor.
  • Trace Channel : Collision channel to use for the trace.
  • Trace Complex : True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.

Cursor Aim

If the trace was successful, returns Aim at Location the location of the impact point under the cursor, Look at Rotation the rotation needed to look at the impact point of a detected object the cursor is aiming at and Hit Result the hit result of the line trace.

Camera Aim

Camera Aim calculates the location and rotation of where the player controller is aiming at. The aim point is the center of the screen, but it can be any offset if needed.

  • Aim Origin : The location to aim from.
  • Player Controller : Player controller that controls the camera.
  • Trace Distance : The distance to trace from the screen position into the world.
  • Trace Channel : The collision channel to use for the trace.
  • Trace Complex : True to test against complex collision, false to test against simplified collision.
  • Actors to Ignore : The list of actors to ignore during the trace.
  • Screen Space Aim Coords : The screen-space coordinates (0-1) for the trace starting point.

Camera Aim

If the trace was successful, returns Aim at Location the location the camera is aiming at, Look at Rotation
the rotation needed to look at the impact point of a detected object the camera is aiming at and Hit Result the hit result of the line trace.

Build Actor List

Build Actor List builds a list of all actors attached to the given owner and its instigator. The owner and instigator will be included in this list.

  • Owner : The owner from which to get all actors.

Build Actor List

Angle of Emergence

Angle of Emergence calculates the angle of emergence (exit) in radians, representing the alignment of the velocity direction with the hit normal.

  • Velocity : Input velocity vector.
  • Hit Normal : Input hit normal vector.

Angle of Emergence

Find Velocity Rotation

Find Velocity Rotation finds worlds-space rotation from objects location and velocity.

  • Location : The starting location for the rotation calculation.
  • Velocity : The velocity vector indicating the direction to look towards.

Find Velocity Rotation

Find Actor Velocity Rotation

Find Actor Velocity Rotation finds world-space absolute rotation of an actor based on its velocity XYZ.

  • Target : The target actor used for the rotation calculation.

Find Actor Velocity Rotation