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Can Penetrate

Can Penetrate checks if the projectile can penetrate a specific object by calculating the penetration depth.

Properties that influence the penetration depth calculation:

  • Projectile: Penetration Power
  • Projectile: Velocity (on impact)
  • Object Physical Material: Density
  • Object Physical Material: Shear Strength

For objects to be penetrable, the object needs to have visible geometry on both sides where a penetration can start (enter) and end (exit). Objects without thickness, e.g. a simple plane model, should use a two-sided Material (Shader).

  • Impact Hit Result : The hit result where the projectile had hit before.
  • Velocity : The velocity of the projectile on hit.

Can Penetrate

Returns the Penetration Result data that was calculated.

Can Ricochet

Can Ricochet checks if the projectile can ricochet (bounce) when impacting on a specific object by calculating its ricochet chance. The chance depends on the impact angle and Physical Material of the hit object.

  • Hit Result : The hit result where the projectile had hit before.
  • Velocity : The velocity of the projectile on hit.

Can Ricochet

Returns the Ricochet Result data that was calculated.

Calculate Hit Transform

Calculate Hit Transform calculates the transform that contains the impact location and the rotation along the velocity direction. If the velocity is nearly zero, the negated impact normal is used instead to look towards the hit object.

  • Hit Result : The hit result of the projectile.
  • Velocity : The velocity of the projectile.

Calculate Hit Transform

Returns the hit transform of the projectile.

Calculate Bounce Transform

Calculate Bounce Transform calculates the transformation that includes the impact location and the rotation along the expected bounce velocity direction. To determine the bounce velocity direction, we first simulate the velocity limitation applied by the projectile movement component during a bounce. Then, the velocity vector is negated and mirrored along the impact normal.

  • Hit Result : The hit result of the projectile.

Calculate Bounce Transform

Returns the bounce transform of the projectile.

Calculate Post Penetration Values

Calculate Post Penetration Values calculates the projectile's new velocity and penetration power that should be set after a penetration was performed. This function will be called by PerformPenetration() to apply post-penetration modifications to the projectile.

  • Impact Hit Result : The projectile impact hit result.
  • Current Velocity : The projectile current velocity.
  • Penetration Ratio : The projectile penetration ratio.

Calculate Post Penetration Values

Returns the New Velocity that will be applied to the projectile and the New Penetration Power that will be applied to the projectile.